Climate Central

Averages, Normals and Records
Data is observed at the Albany (NY) International Airport and is provided by the National Centers for Environmental Information. Averages and normals are based on data over a 30-year period from 1991-2020 and records date back to 1826.
Historical Graphs
Graphs are generated by Davis Instruments' WeatherLink® software. You'll find graphs for temperature, barometric pressure, rainfall and more. Graphs are available in week-to-date, month-to-date and year-to-date time periods.
Monthly Climatological Summaries
Summaries are for Colonie, NY. Data is available from January 2005 to present.
The latest summary is available within the first week of each month.
Latest Monthly Climatological Summary
To view summary from a previous year,
make selections below:
Annual Climatological Summaries
Summaries are for Colonie, NY. Data is available from 2005 to present.
The latest summary is available within the first week of each month.
Latest Annual Climatological Summary
To view summary from a previous year,
make selection below:
Climate Central Resources
Various climate resources such as seasonal outlooks, historical data and drought information.