Annual Climatological Summary

January | February | March | April | May | June |
Note: All records shown in "Notes" section is from official Albany NWS climate data.
This page is updated within the first week of each month. Data is available from 2005 to present.
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The Year 2025: So Far...
Temperature Summary
Average Temperature: 24.4°F (-1.2°F)
Highest Temperature: 51°F (02/25)
Lowest Temperature: -9°F (01/22)
Average High Temperature: 31.6°F
Average Low Temperature: 16.8°F
High Temperature Above 90°F: 0 days
High Temperature Below 32°F: 28 days
Low Temperature Below 32°F: 56 days
Low Temperature Below 0°F: 4 days
Degree Days: 2,383 HDD / 0 CDD
Wind Summary
Average Wind Speed: 2.6 mph
Dominant Wind Direction: W
Highest Wind Gust: 31 mph (01/08)
Precipitation Summary
Total Precipitation: 3.83 in (-1.05 in)
Precipitation Over 0.01 in: 20 days
Precipitation Over 1.00 in: 0 days
Maximum 24-Hour Total: 0.64 in (01/01)
Total Snowfall: 23.8 in (-5.5 in)
Maximum 24-Hour Total: 3.5 in (01/19)
- The 30-year climate normal period is 1991-2020