Partly Cloudy 53°F
2015 Summaries:
January | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | November | December
Note: All records shown in "Notes" section is from official Albany NWS climate data.

The Year 2015: In Review

Temperature Summary

Average Temperature: 48.3°F (-0.1°F)

Highest Temperature: 91°F (07/02)

Lowest Temperature: -9°F (01/04)

Average High Temperature: 57.1°F

Average Low Temperature: 39.3°F

High Temperature Above 90°F: 1 day

High Temperature Below 32°F: 44 days

Low Temperature Below 32°F: 130 days

Low Temperature Below 0°F: 7 days

Degree Days: 6,790 HDD / 682 CDD

Wind Summary

Average Wind Speed: 1.3 mph

Dominant Wind Direction: NW

Highest Wind Gust: 37 mph (04/04)

Precipitation Summary

Total Precipitation: 34.48 in (-4.87 in)

Precipitation Over 0.01 in: 112 days

Precipitation Over 1.00 in: 7 Days

Maximum 24-Hour Total: 2.55 in (09/30)

Total Snowfall: 52.7 in (-7.6 in)

Maximum 24-Hour Total: 12.2 in (02/02)

  • The 30-year climate normal period is 1981-2010