Mostly Cloudy 52°F
2009 Summaries:
January | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | November | December
Note: All records shown in "Notes" section is from official Albany NWS climate data.

Month In Review

Temperature Summary

Average Temperature: 48.6°F (+2.0°F)

Highest Temperature: 92°F (28th)

Lowest Temperature: 28°F (9th)

Average High Temperature: 60.3°F

Average Low Temperature: 36.9°F

High Temperature Above 90°F: 2 days

Low Temperature Below 32°F: 12 days

Degree Days: 509.0 HDD / 16.5 CDD

Wind Summary

Average Wind Speed: 3.4 mph

Dominant Wind Direction: SSE

Highest Wind Gust: 39 mph (4th)

Precipitation Summary

Total Precipitation: 1.36 in (-1.89 in)

Maximum 24-Hour Total: 0.33 in (3rd)

Total Snowfall: Trace (-2.7 in)

Maximum 24-Hour Total: Trace (4th)

  • Critical fire conditions occurred on the 17th
  • Record high temperature set on the 25th
    • officially 89°F; old 85°F set in 1915
Daily Temperature & Precipitation Summary
Day Weather High Temperature Low Temperature Precipitation Snowfall
1st Light Rain 46°F 31°F 0.04 in 0.0 in
2nd Partly Sunny 64°F 41°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
3rd Light Rain 62°F 44°F 0.33 in 0.0 in
4th Snow Flurries 55°F 38°F Trace Trace
5th Mostly Cloudy 46°F 32°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
6th Light Rain 42°F 29°F 0.27 in 0.0 in
7th Rain & Snow 41°F 32°F 0.05 in Trace
8th Snow Flurries 42°F 35°F Trace Trace
9th Mostly Sunny 57°F 28°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
10th Rain Showers 62°F 30°F 0.06 in 0.0 in
11th Rain Showers 54°F 37°F 0.05 in 0.0 in
12th Partly Sunny 43°F 29°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
13th Mostly Sunny 52°F 28°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
14th Partly Sunny 60°F 32°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
15th Partly Sunny 62°F 32°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
16th Sunny 63°F 29°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
17th Mostly Sunny 67°F 32°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
18th Mostly Cloudy 64°F 45°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
19th Rain Showers 60°F 37°F 0.02 in 0.0 in
20th Light Rain 53°F 39°F 0.12 in 0.0 in
21st Light Rain 55°F 40°F 0.18 in 0.0 in
22nd Rain Showers 61°F 43°F 0.16 in 0.0 in
23rd Mostly Cloudy 50°F 40°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
24th Mostly Sunny 70°F 33°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
25th Mostly Sunny 92°F 54°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
26th Mostly Sunny 79°F 53°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
27th Partly Sunny 87°F 45°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
28th Rain Showers 92°F 51°F 0.01 in 0.0 in
29th Mostly Sunny 64°F 41°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
30th Rain Showers 65°F 41°F 0.00 in 0.0 in
Weather Icon Key
Icon Description Icon Description Icon Description Icon Description Icon Description
Sunny Sunny thunderstorm Thunderstorms Heavy Snow Heavy Snow Freezing Rain Freezing Rain Heavy Rain Heavy Rain
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Scattered Thunderstorms Scattered T'Storms Snow Snow Freezing Drizzle Freezing Drizzle Rain Rain
Partly Sunny Partly Sunny Rain Showers Rain Showers Light Snow Light Snow Wintry Mix Wintry Mix Light Rain Light Rain
Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Snow Showers Snow Showers Snow Flurries Flurries Rain & Snow Rain & Snow Drizzle Drizzle
Cloudy Cloudy Haze Haze Sleet Sleet Snow & Sleet Snow & Sleet Windy Windy