July 2023 Climatological Summary
2023 Summaries:
January | February | March | April | May | June |
July | August | September | October | November | December
Note: All records shown in "Notes" section is from official Albany NWS climate data.
January | February | March | April | May | June |
Note: All records shown in "Notes" section is from official Albany NWS climate data.
Month In Review
Temperature Summary
Average Temperature: 72.5°F (-0.6°F)
Highest Temperature: 91°F (6th)
Lowest Temperature: 54°F (31st)
Average High Temperature: 82.1°F
Average Low Temperature: 64.4°F
High Temperature Above 90°F: 1 day
Low Temperature Below 32°F: 0 days
Degree Days: 11.5 HDD /244.9 CDD
Wind Summary
Average Wind Speed: 0.8 mph
Dominant Wind Direction: W
Highest Wind Gust: 18 mph (13th)
Precipitation Summary
Total Precipitation: 12.10 in (+7.55 in)
Maximum 24-Hour Total: 2.39 in (16th)
Total Snowfall: 0.0 in (----)
Maximum 24-Hour Total: 0.0 in (--)
- July 2023 is wettest July on record.
- July 2023 is third wettest month on record.
- Several days with haze due to Canadian wildfires.
- Daily rainfall record set on the 18th.
- officially 2.31 inches; old 1.86 inches set in 2007.
Day | Weather | High Temperature | Low Temperature | Precipitation | Snowfall |
1st | 84°F | 64°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
2nd | 75°F | 64°F | 1.35 in | 0.0 in | |
3rd | 82°F | 68°F | 0.58 in | 0.0 in | |
4th | 83°F | 67°F | 0.29 in | 0.0 in | |
5th | 87°F | 63°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
6th | 91°F | 68°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
7th | 86°F | 70°F | 0.03 in | 0.0 in | |
8th | 83°F | 67°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
9th | 84°F | 68°F | 0.66 in | 0.0 in | |
10th | 73°F | 66°F | 1.73 in | 0.0 in | |
11th | 82°F | 62°F | 0.14 in | 0.0 in | |
12th | 84°F | 66°F | 0.02 in | 0.0 in | |
13th | 85°F | 66°F | 0.69 in | 0.0 in | |
14th | 81°F | 65°F | 0.56 in | 0.0 in | |
15th | 84°F | 67°F | 0.10 in | 0.0 in | |
16th | 83°F | 69°F | 2.39 in | 0.0 in | |
17th | 83°F | 66°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
18th | 84°F | 67°F | 1.82 in | 0.0 in | |
19th | 80°F | 63°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
20th | 82°F | 59°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
21st | 79°F | 67°F | 0.16 in | 0.0 in | |
22nd | 79°F | 63°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
23rd | 83°F | 56°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
24th | 86°F | 61°F | 0.72 in | 0.0 in | |
25th | 80°F | 62°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
26th | 82°F | 65°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
27th | 82°F | 70°F | 0.32 in | 0.0 in | |
28th | 86°F | 68°F | 0.00 in | 0.0 in | |
29th | 85°F | 61°F | 0.30 in | 0.0 in | |
30th | 74°F | 56°F | 0.06 in | 0.0 in | |
31st | 76°F | 54°F | 0.18 in | 0.0 in |
Icon | Description | Icon | Description | Icon | Description | Icon | Description | Icon | Description |
Sunny | Thunderstorms | Heavy Snow | Freezing Rain | Heavy Rain | |||||
Mostly Sunny | Scattered T'Storms | Snow | Freezing Drizzle | Rain | |||||
Partly Sunny | Rain Showers | Light Snow | Wintry Mix | Light Rain | |||||
Mostly Cloudy | Snow Showers | Flurries | Rain & Snow | Drizzle | |||||
Cloudy | Haze | Sleet | Snow & Sleet | Windy |