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Most Intense & Costliest Hurricane data valid through 2021.

Most Intense Atlantic Hurricanes at Landfall
Rank Name Year Category Landfall Location Pressure 1
1st Unnamed 1935 5 Florida Keys 892 mb / 26.35 in
2nd Camille 1969 5 Mississippi 909 mb / 26.84 in
3rd Katrina 2005 4 Louisiana 920 mb / 27.17 in
4th Andrew 1992 5 Florida 922 mb / 27.23 in
5th TX 1886 4 Indianola 925 mb / 27.31 in
6th Unnamed 1919 4 Florida 927 mb / 27.37 in
7th Unnamed 1928 4 Florida 929 mb / 27.43 in
8th Donna 1960 4 Texas 930 mb / 27.46 in
9th Unnamed 1915 4 Louisiana 930 mb / 27.46 in
10th Carla 1961 5 Texas 931 mb / 27.49 in
Most Costliest Atlantic Hurricanes
Rank Name Year Category Affected Areas Damage Amount 2
1st Katrina 2005 3 Louisiana $172,500,000,000
2nd Harvey 2017 4 Texas/Louisiana $133,800,000,000
3rd Maria 2017 5 Puerto Rico/USVI $96,300,000,000
4th Sandy 2012 1 Mid-Atlantic/Northeast $75,400,000,000
5th Irma 2017 4 Florida $53,500,000,000
6th Andrew 1992 5 SE Florida/Louisiana $51,300,000,000
7th Ike 2008 2 Texas/Louisiana $37,500,000,000
8th Ivan 2004 3 Alabama/NW Florida $29,100,000,000
9th Wilma 2005 3 S. Florida $26,200,000,000
10th Michael 2018 5 Florida Panhandle $26,000,000,000

1 The ranking of hurricanes above are by recorded Barometric Pressure at landfall.
2 Ranked using the 2021 Deflator/Based on U.S. DOC Implicit Price Deflator for Construction.

Source National Hurricane Center